Monday, August 31, 2009

HOW PATHETIC; It’s come to this: Dems task Teddy’s grandson with leading funeral prayer for ObamaCare

Of course, they couldn't help it. Dems pushed for Obamacare at Teddy Kennedy's funeral. And, they used a child as a prop. Health care is NOT a right. It doesn't matter if you think it should be or not, it's not a right.

Big Teddy should have told that kid this;

'Can you imagine having to pay for someones else's health care when you can't control their behavior? Pretty dumb, ha kid? What if these people drink, smoke, over eat, have unprotected gay sex and do drugs? Can I tell them to stop?

Imagine these same people paying for their digital cable with HBO and Showtime, cell phones and texting plans, car payments and playing the lottery while drinking booze and smoking cigarettes, while still expecting me to work a second job to pay for their health care. It doesn't seem right, does it kid?'

'Get your own health care! We're not paying for it.'


  1. Well that whole Kennedy clan is all about good taste...

    Note how Teddy’s great niece Rose Schlossberg flipping off other mourners gathered along the sidewalk is yet another proof of their class...

  2. Kennedy was an inspiration to drunk entitled slobs everywhere.

    Russell G.
