Friday, August 7, 2009

Incompetent 'Dictator Obama' to Americans; 'Stop Talking and Get Out of the Way.' Idiots in the Crowd Applaud!

Is this the President of The United States of America or Reverend Wright preaching to Trinity members? How embarrassing and disgraceful! Oh lord, our founding fathers must be rolling in their graves!

Was this a comedy show or an audition for a 'street hustling community organizer?' And what's up with Obama's fake accent and loud tone as if he's 'hood'? He's a phony wanna be, just like Hillary Clinton was in her Selma speech. Even MLK would be disgraced at this 'self-leoathing' liberal.

Obama is a typical anti-American 'elitist liberal' and compulsive liar and we prove it right here on 'Idiots For Obama.'. How dumb can these people in the crowd be? They're clapping for failure! 'Yaaayyy!!'

The 'stuttering bullshitter' himself is at it again, as he just managed to con a few hundred morons in the crowd, probably made up of government dependent freeloaders, ACORN workers and 'union sellouts' along with 'dumbed down' college students.

We will not shut up because OBAMA is doing a TERRIBLE job and WE are going to STOP this radical, incompetent, deceptive, dishonest, corrupt and proven marxist 'paper President' from further destroying this country. Even George Bush wasn't this bad and Obama has made things much worse in just a few months.

Get loud! Get in their face! Knock on doors! Talk to your neighbors! Let's defeat this street hustling, community organizer President.


  1. It never fails to amaze me, the horrible things Obama says. Chilling. Literally jaw dropping stuff. And the applause of the idiot crowds. They need a history lesson. Those who don't know history are doomed to repeat it.

  2. Heard someone who called in to Mark Levin Show on August 7 and who gave the name of this web site. I wrote it down. It is an impressive and informative and inspiring web site. Keep up the good work. I am going to go into it whenever I have a chance.

  3. Obama's attempts at being "just a regular guy" with fake southern accent in hand fails miserably to anyone with brain cells. I literally want to bash my head against my desk when I hear his blind and deaf followers cheering at his nonsense. Words cannot describe how frustrated I am because it is literally impossible for these idiots to understand the truth about our disgrace of a president. It's like trying to convince someone that the sky is blue when they're adament on calling it red. You can present them all the facts in the world, but they simply refuse to budge. One thing I absolutely cannot tolerate is ignorance and his followers are reeking of it.
