Friday, August 28, 2009

LA Congresswoman Praises Cuban Revolution & Castro’s Health Care System. WTF?!?!?!

This Woman Is Out Of Her ******* Mind. Who Votes For These Dumb Ass People? Can You Believe A U.S Congresswoman Is Saying This? Do You Think She Believes In The U.S Constitution? She Should Resign Immediately...Call DIANE WATSON And Tell Her What You Think...

Washington DC Office- phone: 202-225-7084

Los Angeles Office (Why Are We Not Surprised She's A CA. Democrat?) 323-965-1422

1 comment:

  1. This pathetic excuse of a woman is batshit crazy and should be run out of congress. What must the IQ be in her district to elect such a piece of shit? She makes no mention of their murderous death squads, executions, torture and oppression. People from Cuba risk their lives to get here! This creepy congresswoman should move to Cuba if it"s so goddamn wonderful!
