Saturday, August 8, 2009

'Libertarian' Glenn Beck; 'Put Politics Aside, And Wake Up.'

Glenn Beck exposes just how dumb Obama supporters are, how brainwashed they are, and how asleep they are! Like Glenn Beck or not, he does do a good job exposing the radical, dishonest, deceptive, vindictive, corrupt and MARXIST Barack Obama.

How much longer will the American people continue to let Barack Obama, Rahm Emanuel and David Axelrod CON them?How much longer will they get thrills up their legs when he speaks or make excuses for all of his lies?

All the 'idiot Obama supporters' have to to is read 'Dreams From My Father' and 'Rules for Radicals' and stay on '' and they will see that Barack Obama has a radical marxist agenda. Just look at the damage he has done on only six months!

Don't be one of those idiots that dislikes Glenn Beck because he seems a little 'nutty' or because he's 'fat,' and eats pudding and candy on his set, how dumb is that?

Just LISTEN to what Glenn Beck is telling you! Use common sense and RATIONAL thought, judge for yourself, and please 'GET A SPINE.' You will need one to admit that when you voted for Obama, you were conned. The proof is right here...

'What's wrong with these people?'

1 comment:

  1. Obama is a wanna be Marxist dictator. He is a huge narcissist. Google 'narcisstic Obama'. He fits the description many examples are given. It's depressing.

    How wonderful it would be if on every news channel and newspaper the reporting actually depicted Obama as he is. The ignorant masses would be stunned.

    Every day it's something new about Obama. Now it's telling Americans to turn in fellow Americans, that don't want Obamacare, by reporting them via email. This is scary.

    And now he's going to send out his ACORN paid thugs to try to intimidate citizens at townhall meetings.

    He is an embarassment for our country. He apologizes for America and tries to buddy up with all the dictators and tyrants, while being luke-warm with our allies...and in the case of Israel, actually trying to order them around. Where was that moxy when Iran was billy clubbing and shooting it's citizens for civily protesting it's fraudulent election?!

    Sorry, but I think the POTUS is a POS.

    This is going to be a long hard 3.5 years. God help us.
