Tuesday, August 11, 2009

One 'Old Man' At Arlen Specters Town Hall Speaks Without Permission; MSNBC Anchors 'Pee Their Pants' Over It...

One man got up and interrupted Arlen Specter at the Town Hall (there were over thousand people at this event) meeting in Lebanon Pa. 'IDIOTS FOR OBAMA' attended the Town Hall and it was a civil protest against Obama's 'disaster care.'

The liberal media is so pathetic, especially our 'sissy of the week,' David Shuster, when it came to reporting the event.

Thousands were in attendance and most were refused entry and stood outside in a peaceful protest. This old man was the only one who made a boo-boo. Liberals wet there pants over the dumbest shit don't they? The man got up and said the following;

"I'm going to speak my mind before I leave, because your people told me I could," the man replied, adding: "You can do whatever the hell you please to do. One day God's going to stand before you, and he's going to judge you and the rest of your damned cronies up on the Hill. And then you'll get your just desserts. I'm leaving."

MSNBC won't tell you this, but 'boy was he right.'

1 comment:

  1. I watched the massacre of Arlen Specter today... ....The People that he works for had their say... unfortunately Specter still doesnt get it... Arrogant washington elitests dont have to do the peoples business anymore nor answer to their constituents...at least not in the USSA!
