Thursday, September 24, 2009

Obama Diversity Boss: Whites Must 'Step Down.' Hey Democrats, How's That 'White Guilt' Workin Out For Ya? LOL

Hugo Chavez admirer Mark Lloyd. Obama's judgement is just swell isn't it?

With former Obama green jobs czar Van Jones gone, along with his views about whites directing poisons to minorities, focus is now shifting to race-based views of "diversity czar" Mark Lloyd, who has suggested "white people" step down from positions of power to allow "more people of color, gays" and "other people" to take those positions.

Lloyd, the Federal Communications Commission chief diversity officer appointed to the newly created position by President Obama in early August, has talked about issues such as a 100 percent tax on broadcast outlets to collect money to provide alternative viewpoints, mandatory diversity in station ownership and the idea of requiring broadcast businesses to cater to the demands of local activism committees. READ MORE...

In Lloyd's own words:

“The Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB) must be reformed along
democratic lines and funded on a substantial level."
"Instead, the government should determine what we can listen to. (sorry
for ending that sentence with a preposition, but this frustrates the grammar
out of me). The "Fairness Doctrine" may be dead, but the liberal state
machine has not given up the fight to suppress the voices of those who
oppose their will. They've just taken off the mask of "fairness" and
replaced it with false faces of "diversity" and "localization."

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