Wednesday, September 23, 2009

'TOTAL DISASTER' Collapse of the Capitalistic system , that's the future seen by Dr Marc Faber.

The Capitalistic system will collapse. Run for your lives...

Wars massive government debt defaults impoverishment of large segments of Western society and Collapse of the Capitalistic system , that's the future seen by Dr Marc Faber

"The future will be a total disaster, with a collapse of our capitalistic system as we know it today, wars, massive government debt defaults and the impoverishment of large segments of Western society," Dr Doom Marc Faber wrote in the September issue of The Gloom, Boom & Doom Report.Marc Faber is very bearish on the US Dollar and has expressed in many occasions his concerns about the collapse of the dollar and rising Zimbabwe like hyperinflation in the US , but he is bullish on commodities emerging market stocks especially the Asian markets and of course precious metals gold and silver , Faber also expresses his concerns that a third World War could be very close as US is losing its position as superpower in front of an ever rising Asian bloc headed by China which could challenge America's super power title in the short term....

If we do not replace democrats and RINO's in congress with 'hard core' conservatives and 'non-crazy' libertarians by 2010, and then elect a President in 2012 who isn't a radical, incompetent socialist like Obama, we are finished..Maybe a miracle will happen and Obama will be impeached and we can get real representatives that actually care about the people of this country (non-liberal progressive scum) and will work to repair all of the damage that Obama, Bush and Clinton have done.

1 comment:

  1. Good post and great site. However I want to point out a salient truth. If things stay the same, yes collapse will come. However this summers protests show good signs that things will not remain the same. This country is actually a conservative country. Remember the words of Ronald Reagan. He replied to charges that Americas best days were behind her with the fact that no Americas best days are yet to come.
    Your blog and the fact that conservatism is once again on the rise proves that We The People Will Prevail. The Freedomlover
