Thursday, September 24, 2009

'WIMP IN CHIEF.' Barack Obama Doesn't Like America Very Much Does He? Malkin; 'We Suck 09' Tour...

'Hey Barry, this country really sucks huh?' Barack and Michelle Obama are millionaires. They both have an Ivy League education. Barack was a Senator and is currently a President. What country other than America, could they have achieved all of that? Cuba? Iran? Venezuela? Kenya? We have an anti-American President and 'people in denial' need to wake up and realize it. Obama lied in this video..

Related- Obama plays to the anti-American crowd
At the U.N., the president told anti-Americans what they like to hear. The danger is that he believes not only in his inflated view of himself, but in his words, too.

1 comment:

  1. The malignant tumor residing in the White house has a potentially unlimited growth in his malignancy, and is spreading from state to state systemically metastasizing, and can destroy our society if we don't surgically remove him, not by bullets, but by ballets. While it is still an option, in the next election cycle this cancer must be removed.

    Under Obummer the United States is metamorphosing from a world power into a global tramp. Obummer is weak in the face of tyranny, and is pampering the Muslim world, and he is withdrawing from our friends and allies.

    Obummer's foreign policy is deserting our friends and courting our enemies. Its a procecure of entrapment, and one that will end in ruin. Under Obummer America will before long find itself entirely friendless---quarantined in a menacing world impaired on hatred for America.

    Hope and change---yea right---physical suffering and scarcity is more like it---Obama wants everyone to be equal, with the exception of course of the ruling elite---Obummer will bring the land of our birth to the ghetto.
