How dumb do the liberals in the media feel bragging about how the Philadelphia ACORN office 'showed them the door.' Typical of today's media and journalism altogether. Forget the facts, forget investigating, just report inaccurately. Especially websites like MEDIA MATTERS. Unbelievable.

Is ACORN’s Bertha Lewis Even Capable Of Telling The Truth?
When you vote democrat, you allow morons like Berth Lewis to have access to millions of your tax dollars. When you vote democrat, you are assisting ACORN commit voter fraud. Obama is down with ACORN big time and those of you Obama supporters who don't believe that or think it's no big deal, you now know why we call you 'idiots.'
Keep voting democrat and this is what you get...
Seriously? They are being sued because they broke the law when they recorded ACORN workers without permission?
ReplyDelete*bangs head on desk*
I can see it now, ACORN will be awarded 500 million dollars and the investigators will be turned into a mud puddle. It's sick.