Thursday, October 1, 2009

GRAYSON; The Gift That Keeps On Giving...More Proof Democrats Have 'Lost It.' Pelosi; Grayson Shouldn't Apologize..WTF?!?

More evidence liberals suffer from a mental disorder, These anti-American wack-jobs need to become a 'dying breed.' The democratic party has become so damaged and so deranged. Head over to the GOP website and see their health care plan the democrats don't want to even look at. Alan Grayson, 'please keep talking.'


  1. Hahah, you sit in a sad lonely part of both the internet and human society as a whole. Have fun.

  2. Hey wait a sec now...Barney Frank seems to be sensing a change in the winds and is actually starting to make occasional sense. Sure, he's pandering, but apparently he's not quite as reality-impaired as Pelosi and our brain-damaged little friend above. Somehow, Frank's noticed that yes, people WILL vote him out if he continues to throw behind lunatic asylum escapees like Alan "Special Olympics" Grayson.

  3. Anonymous-----people in his territorial division will not vote him out and he knows that---the reason he has (moments of rationality) is his fear of the ACORN inquiry and to where it might lead.

    Democrats are now trying to distance themselves from their copulation with them.
