Saturday, October 3, 2009


'I swear on the holy koran, uh, uh, I mean, the bible at my black liberation theology church that I went to for 20 years and never heard Reverend Wright, the Pastor who was like a father to me and who baptized my kids, say anything negative about whites, jews or America. I also swear that I didn't know Tony Rezko was a corrupt slumlord when I get that sweet deal on my house. I swear, that I never knew Van Jones was a 9-11 truther and admitted communist (wink wink) and my BFF Valerie Jarrett didn't either. I swear, I didn't know my safe schools Czar encouraged homosexual education and didn't report a statutory rape by a 15 year old. I swear, I didn't know Mr. Lloyd, my diversity Czar wanted to silent all opposition to me on the radio and I sure didn't know he praised Chavez and made a statement about removing whites from high poisitions to be be replaced by minorites and gays. I swear I never said a white mans greed runs the world in need. Oh , uh, well, Bill Ayers wrote my book, it's his fault...uh.uh...

Are you getting tired of being lied to every single day by a wanna-be street husltler and by this administration? Do you really blame FOX and Glenn Beck? If you do, then you would be an idiot...Story below..

WASHINGTON -Harry S. Truman banned reporters he disliked from his presidential yacht. Franklin Roosevelt placed his journalistic critics out of earshot at the back of the room during presidential press conferences.

No such subtleties in Barack Obama's White House. A White House blog posting this week dismissed assertions on the Fox News Channel bluntly: "Lies." And don't expect an apology to network owner Rupert Murdoch .

The White House's target was Glenn Beck, the conservative Fox News commentator who regularly pokes the White House with provocative commentary. But the News Corp .-owned cable network and the White House don't just part ways over Beck. That the White House regards Fox News with suspicion and even disdain is an understatement. And Fox News' Chris Wallace recently called the White House "the biggest bunch of crybabies" after Obama gave all major networks except Fox News interviews for their Sunday talk shows.

It's a combustible relationship that illustrates the partisan heat generated on cable television and the political need to stay abreast of viral information spreading at lightning speed. The aggressive White House response also brushes up against Obama's promise of reaching for a new civility in politics. READ MORE...

Related- Obama's Friends: Scumbags of a feather, stick together

Of course Glenn Beck lies about all of Obama's Czars, right? No, he doesn't, they're right here (above) and everything Glenn Beck reports about them is true. Liberals know this and they only hate Glenn Beck for being right, being smart and exposing these radicals that do moral, ethic and economic damage to this country. The liberals who 'attack and deny' are miserable people who have a problem with rational thought and 'realism.'

Glenn Beck is a hero and someday, when these liberals wake up and realize just how stupid they used to be, they will thank him.


  1. Obama's friends---birds of a feather stick together.

    Olympics aside, the only ray of sunshine for the Obama administration is the U.S. unemployment figures surged in September, signaling more rough times are ahead and "RAISES" the odds of a second dip in the recession.

    That's not the only thing that was "RAISED". Obama's administrations economic shyster, Larry Summers and Obama, raised their champagne filled glasses and toasted the bleak outlook. Larry opined, beginning January of next year the Bush tax cuts expire. That will put the final nail in the coffin for small businesses and shrink the paychecks of hard working Americans across the country and with a smile from ear to ear Obama posited that will erase whatever wealth is left in this country.

    And Larry the shyster bantered with glee, "now we don't have to prop up the false market with government funds anymore, which will free up more money to help more socialist get elected".

    The Great Depression likely wouldn't of occurred if bank failures were stopped they concurred and with 3 more banks going under yesterday making a total of 98 for the year----- Obama blueprint for transforming this country seemed right on track.

    I can't say this enough Obama's true goal (is to keep the economy suppressed, by destroying the wealth in this country and creating as much dependency on the government as possible).

    Whether he completes his mission it totally up to "US in the U.S".

  2. I'm sure that all logical people can see the hypocrisy of the liberals, yet some of you are still in denial. Liberals say they are for free speech and support the first amendment BUT, in reality, only if the speech agrees with their left wing ideology. They say they support Democrats because Democrats are the defenders of the "little people" BUT, in reality, they exploit common people and the poor and are the party of mega-special interests. They promote authoritarian big government control and invasion into people's lives. They say they are for energy independence yet they block all attempts to develop our abundant and retrievable domestic energy reserves. They say they are fiscally responsible yet they have exponentially expanded our national debt in only a few months of the Obama administration. Of course, there is no doubt they will skyrocket our taxes. They promote "shared sacrifice" to address their illusion of global warming now climate change yet they worship liberal elitists who produce some of the largest carbon footprints in the world. They denigrate capitalism in the name of 'spreading the wealth' (socialism) but refuse to acknowledge that socialism is a historically proven failure as capitalism with free markets is the one system that has pulled people out of grinding poverty. They say they are for protests as a means of getting the voice of the people heard yet they attack and denigrate protestors who voice alternative opinions. They claim they are racial transcendentalists yet they view people as racial/ethnic groups and accuse those expressing opposition to Obama’s policies as "racists". They say they are against war but they continue Bush's policies in Iraq and Afghanistan; since it is a liberal administration engaged they do not protest. They have no clue as to what to do about the most modern and attentive to the inmates' prison in the world (GITMO). They say they are against the Patriot Act yet they continue the domestic spying program. They say they are serious about national security yet they promote and incentivize illegal immigration and have no intention of completing the border fence as Congress called for. They say they are for improved health care but their intent is rationing, denial of services to the elderly and infirmed and a trashing of your freedom and liberties through big government control..... the ridiculousness and hypocrisy of liberals goes on and on....the liberal deceitful/hypocritical merry-go-round never ends. Mmm...mmm...mmm…Barak Hussein Obama...mmm...mmm...mmm...
