Monday, October 5, 2009

PASTOR MANNING; 'White Women That Voted For Obama With Joy Are White Women With Weak Minds'

Well is he right? He didn't say 'all white women are weak' he said 'all white women who voted for Obama were weak.' We agree that white women who voted for Obama are very naive and couldn't recognize the con job. Many suffered from the false 'white guilt' syndrome that has been drilled in their heads by books, TV etc.. and some just thought is was 'cool' to vote for the popular candidate. Some voted with their private parts over their brain. The bottom line is that Pastor Manning does have a point. (He already blasted blacks who voted for Obama just because he was black.)

We hope that he also goes after the 'weak' white men, like union workers, who sold their country down the toilet so their unions could be bought off by an anti-American Marxist President. These are the same men who sport an American flag sticker on their hard hats, yet voted for a con artist who despises America. WTF??

What do you think about Pastor Manning? Listen to his message, don't do what liberals do. Liberals are so weak-minded that they are pre-brainwashed to hate someone they have never even listened to, and when they do listen, they already hate the person and can't comprehend the actual message and be honest about it because liberals are very dishonest people. Don't be 'one of them.'


  1. ummmmmm-where is he wrong? the left will call him nuts or an uncle tom because they know he's right and can't counter his claim with any real facts.

  2. Pastor Manning may not be right all the time, but he's right enough of the time that the black victirats/guilt-White liberals/Je$$e Jackoff$ community is terrified of him.

  3. I love this guy! He tells it like it is. I am a 'black American' not an 'african American,' my great grandparents were from Harlem NY. I believe this Pastor works near where I grew up as a kid. His youtube page has all the videos and they're very funny. He does tell the truth, even if 90% is truth, it's better than when a democrat opens his or her mouth and feeds you talking points and are only truthful about 5% of the time. He has a spine and although I am a non religios conservative, I like this guy for saying it like it really is. Obama is not black to me other than looks, he acts no different than Bill Ayers, Nancy Pelosi, David Axelrod and Barbara Boxer. An elitist radical snob typical leftist politician who can only fool dumb white people and naive black woman who want a handout and the right to brag about a President who looks like them, as if that will improve their life. It won't...
