Saturday, October 3, 2009

WOW! Glenn Beck Viewership Beats The Combined Competition Every Night In September...

Glenn Beck vs. The Combined Competition TV Ratings, September 2009:

Those with any doubt what a good move it was for Fox News to pick up Glenn Beck look no further than the chart below. His average viewership at 5pm exceeded the combined viewership of his three cable news network competitors every night in September. On six nights he had twice the combined viewership.

The liberals must be fuming over this! Good...


  1. No, not fuming. People on the right are desperate and are embracing dark conspiracy theory. Right, birther?

  2. Do you know what a birther is? A teabagger? This democrat and other democrats also have a problem with a far-left radical liar ruining our party. You are a product of severe indoctrination and a weak mind. A sissy.

    g-20 versus teabaggers...hmm..who would I rather have in my country....
    the democrat who brought the lawsuit against Obama..what was he thinking...why would Obama send 23 lawyers, spend a million dollars just to NOT show it. Obama has lied on video-audio 153 plus times (obama lies-search it they keep track and prove it) Im sure it's well over 200 now.
    You are an embarrassment to the democratic party that has lost fiscal responsibility, ethics and are now breeders of the most corruption seen in history.
    At least the republicans are trying to clean up their party..what are you doing to improve yours? Becoming a progressive moron? Yea, that will work...we are going to get wiped out in 2012 and im going libertaian. Or maybe Jim Diment. I like that guy...

  3. by the way, I am only a 'birther' because unlike you, dickface, I researched before i opened my mouth. If Rachael Maddow says it's not true, you say it must be true right! Damn sheep...I looked at the evidence and researched and came up with my own decision. I am 60-40% in favor of him being born in Kenya. I believe is very credible. They have amazing amounts of evidence and I am skeptical of a guy who seals all of his records...why would he do that? answer me you putz.....

  4. You do Obama favors. He needs a fringe in the same way Bush needed the truthers, of which you are in company.

    Left and right political thought is in a circle and at the far end, birthers and truthers (and Glenn Beck) break bread.


  6. I LOVE this site---you have thrown down the gauntlet---and proudly fly the black flag---you take no prisoners.

    No more turning the other cheek---what good did it ever get the hard working American taxpayers who play by the rules and are just trying to be left alone, and get along to raise their families in a loving and a safe environment---but was misread as a sign of weakness---and was cannibalized to insert a radical sociopolitical program---Fascism---even a blind person can sense their concerted effort to replace our constitution with their radical ideology.

    Big government, with Obama at the head is the enemy---these bastards never envisioned the fiercely independent fighting spirit that American's are made of---now even a blind person in their camp can sense that the tide is changing, (and the bill will be paid)---heads will roll on election day---the only place left for the liberal scum will be up Barney Franks asshole---mainstream media is next.

  7. I'm in your Mama's basement, birther nutcase.

  8. hey retard; I guess this judge saw enough evidence to set a trial date didn't he? Let's see how many leeches Obama sends in to save him and how much he will spend to avoid showing the real BC. (Or maybe he is a citizen- who knows!)

    This is the deceptive-non-transparency your dumb-ass voted for. That's why people like you should be beaten and have your voting privledges stripped...

    A hearing Monday is set to determine whether the U.S. Justice Department will get its motion to dismiss a lawsuit challenging the constitutional eligibility of Barack Obama to hold the office of president or whether the case will move forward to be heard on its merits.

    California judge David Carter scheduled a tentative trial date for the case for Jan. 26, 2010. But, to meet that trial date, the case must survive an Oct. 5 hearing on the Department of Justice motion to dismiss.

    The California lawsuit is brought by several political candidates and party officials, including former U.S. ambassador Alan Keyes and Wiley Drake and Markham Robinson of the American Independent Party.

    They are suing Obama alleging that he was not and is not eligible to be president under the U.S. Constitution's demand for a "natural born" citizen in the Oval Office. Forty-six of the plaintiffs are represented by Orly Taitz, who has worked on a multitude of lawsuits over Obama's eligibility, and two – Wiley Drake and Markham Robinson – are represented by Gary Kreep of the United States Justice Foundation.

    Kreep told WND one of three things will happen Monday: 1) the judge will make no decision and choose to issue a decision later, 2) the judge could grant the Department of Justice's motion and dismiss the case, or 3) all or part of the case will move forward.

    Kreep said he doesn't believe Carter will decide to issue a decision later.

    "I think he's ready to roll," he said.

    You won't see this in the media. FOX won't even cover this...but it's happening whether you liberals like it or not.

  9. Keep up the good work. This site does a fine job of documenting the criminal ineptitude of this foul administration. 2010 we take back Congress. Two years later the Kenyan is out on his corrupt ass.

    PALIN 2012.

  10. I guess we'll see on 10/5.

    You must be a kid.

    "The California lawsuit is brought by several political candidates and party officials, including former U.S. ambassador Alan Keyes and Wiley Drake and Markham Robinson of the American Independent Party."

    Yeah, I see heavy hitters there.

  11. usual...the liberal is wrong here. PHILP BERG, a REGISTERED lifelong DEMOCRAT attorney from Philadelphia originally brought this lawsuit. Did Olbermann, Maddow and Matthews leave that out when they drilled you sheep with spin again? Just because Alan Keyes and Orly Taitz joined in later doesn't mean 'the right wing' are the only birthers you idiot.

    The original 'birther' was someone from your party and guess what loser, there are a lot of democrats that signed that petition. Not everyone in your party is like you. There are good democrats that are not mentally disturbed like the progressive liberals are. (By the way I would like to thank the progressives that have now ensured after 2010 and 2012 I will never have to see a democrat run congress or white house for the rest of my life.)

    Now you little fleeb, take that information and stick it in your ass. I highly doubt Barack Hussein Obama, a man who has no past, a man who has changed his name, sealed all of his records from schools, adoptions and vital statistics! He lies every 13 seconds when he speaks...I don't trust him. He's a Marxist con artist and your falling for it. I can already tell you are a scrawny white male, probably wears glasses, got beat up your entire life by football players, can't get a girlfriend and now you're mad at the world. A lot of liberals are like you. Just plain stupid..

  12. You're not too impressive yourself, Gregory. But cling to your fears and suspicions. Sorry you weren't able to get an education.

  13. It hasn't sunk in yet that you're getting crushed in this debate. You are being creamed. You can't be educated; you're a liberal remember? You people are retards. I believe you took the short bus and I just love how YOU PEOPLE think you're smarter than everyone else because you have a useless degree. I am far more educated than you are and it shows..

  14. Are you Gregory, or Bryan or one of the others who post under different names to pump your comment numbers? Being high school kids, you should realize you're not really debating anything. You're just insulting people who don't agree with you politically. Stay in school.
