Thursday, February 25, 2010

BORED ALREADY? GOP to Obama at summit trap: 'We have a better idea'

WASHINGTON – President Barack Obama argued Thursday that a sweeping overhaul of the nation's broken health care system is imperative for the nation's future economic vitality, setting off an immediate clash in an extraordinary live-on-TV summit with Republicans who want far more modest changes. "We believe we have a better idea," retorted GOP Sen. Lamar Alexander. READ MORE...


  1. I was wrong-----the Republicans are not rolling over and playing dead----Obama's sinking poll numbers have given them a back-bone---Obama without a teleprompter is like looking at Barney Frank without clothes on, eliciting contemptuous pity

  2. You have got to love this-----Obama is fidgetting---he wasn't prepared to have opposing points thrown at him---he is pathetic--

    Obozo's Circus-----the clown is trying to sell to the American people a 2,733 page health care bill with his head swinging from left to right and right to left, a bad habit brought on by years of teleprompter use.

    Obama talking about health care, economics and building businesses is the rough equivalent of Hitler talking about loving the Jews, an ommission of performance----everyday that goes by now, Jimmey Carter's night-sleep keeps improving, knowing inwardly that he is not the worst president ever, anymore.

  3. The Republicans performed a tea party trick on the maligant turds health care summit---they read the bill.

    Just heard this on CNN---there is a panic button under the table for the maligant turd to use when he thinks he is getting in over his head---

    No matter the spin tomorrow of the MSM, todays health summit backfired bigtime on the king jester and his democommie clowns----

  4. A must see classic on MSNBC----Jimmey Carter was being interviewed, and was asked his opinion on Obama's performance at the health care summit----Carter could not stop laughing , so much so, that MSNBC decided to go to a commercial. On returning live back to the interview Jimmy Carter tried valiantly to stop laughing, but it got worse until one of the staff gave him something to drink---and again he was asked for his opinion on Obama's performance today, and Carter said, (don't you get it), my laughing is the answer to your question and he went right on laughing.

  5. It's painfully over for Obama at the health care summit----and now it can be said---

    The mystery is solved-----why Obama's school records are sealed-----after todays performance, it is self-evident why his administration cronies will do eveything in their power to make sure that his school records never see the light of day---can you blame them----

    I got some advice for the Malignant 'Turd-----before it gets any worse for you, why not admit you are a comedian in disguise as a president---the world is laughing at you, and now you can claim it's because of your honed comic style----

    Jimmey Carter was bad but Obama is pitifully inferior and inadequate and laughable as a president also. The great debate over the next couple of decades will be who was the worst between the two of them----it's close--
