Thursday, March 18, 2010

ABSOLUTE DISGRACE: House approves Slaughter strategy, 222-203

We're sure someone is already writing the book on how these three scumbags bankrupted America. How did the American people allow these three stooges to gain power? (HINT- They voted democrat)

A travesty on top of a travesty. The boss emeritus has a list of the 28 Democrats who voted with the GOP, but that’s less interesting than Geraghty’s roll of wavering Dems who voted with Pelosi. A leading indicator that they’re planning to vote yes on the bill? Or a cheap ‘n easy way of appeasing The One for now in anticipation of a devastating no vote on Sunday? You make the call!

Even if you're a democrat (not a mentally deranged progressive liberal) VOTE these SCUMBAGS out of office..

• Jason Altmire, Pennsylvania.
• John Barrow, Georgia.
• John Boccieri, Ohio.
• Allen Boyd, Florida.
• Leonard Boswell, Iowa.
• Joe Donnelly, Indiana.
• Brad Ellsworth, Indiana.
• Baron Hill, Indiana.
• Marcy Kaptur, Ohio.
• Dan Maffei, New York.
• Jim Marshall, Georgia.
• Jim Matheson, Utah.
• Michael McMahon, New York.
• Betsy Markey, Colorado.
• Patrick Murphy, Pennsylvania.
• Earl Pomeroy, North Dakota.
• Nick Rahall, West Virginia.
• Joe Sestak, Pennsylvania.
• Carol Shea Porter, New Hampshire.
• Ike Skelton, Missouri.
• Zach Space, Ohio.
• John Spratt, South Carolina.
• Charlie Wilson, Ohio.

Altmire dumped on the Slaughter strategy before voting for it. So did Stephen Lynch — who, interestingly, said he was a no on the bill itself just a few hours ago. My hunch is that they both want to vote no on O-Care but don’t want to be blamed for tying Pelosi’s hands in case she’s able to get to 216 by using Slaughter, so they’re throwing the leadership a bone on this vote. That’s the optimistic read. The pessimistic read is that Pelosi’s already gotten to 216 so they made a deal with her by which she agreed to cut them loose and let them vote their conscience on Sunday in return for playing ball today. Numerically, it almost has to be the case that a few Dems who voted for this will vote no on the final bill since there probably won’t be more than 216 or 217 for the latter. (Ike Skelton, who voted yes today, is a firm no on O-Care itself as far as I know.) The question is whether they have 222 who are willing to vote for it, with Pelosi left to decide which lucky five or six will be allowed to vote no on Sunday in the interests of self-preservation. Gulp.

Rep. Slaughter is like Pelosi, she's a mentally disturbed individual who is out of touch with the American people and is in need of a shrink. See the video below. This wench wants overhaul and ruin the entire health care system because some lady used her sisters dentures! 'That's a dental problem you idiot!' Dentures are only a few hundred bucks, maybe she wanted to where her sisters dentures...

With compulsive liars, Marxist's, mental patients like Pelosi and Slaughter and corrupt crooks running the country, it's no wonder the middle class are getting screwed and the country is bankrupt.

Stop voting democrat and things only get better.

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