Tuesday, March 23, 2010

High School Students Forced to Tape Video for Obama. Parents Outraged..

This video explains how liberals indoctrinate our students. Click here to watch the entire movie..
The High School Video was removed from YouTube.

Using students to ask President Barack Obama to come to an event next month that promotes local businesses hasn’t drawn the attention those behind the planned recovery rally expected.

A handful of parents have called Martin County High School and the School District to complain that about 2,000 students were basically a captive audience, taken from their homerooms to the football field last week, to shoot the video request to the White House by the school’s Junior Achievement Program.

Diana Blackard, whose daughter is a sophomore, said the situation could have been handled better. She said the students didn’t have a choice to participate in the video nor had parents been notified — through notes or on the school Web site.

“It’s almost like they were trying to circumvent the parents,” said Diana Blackard, whose daughter is a sophomore. “You can hear it on the video that Channel 5 has, that says ‘Everyone move in closer, move in closer,’ and ‘We’ve got to hear everyone shout ‘Yes we can, Yes we can.’ That’s a political slogan.” READ MORE...

“My daughter is 15 years old, say 20 years from now she wants to run for political office, what if somebody drags this video out and says look she was at this recovery rally shouting rally yes we can yes we can,” Blackard said. “And that’s at a public school this occurred. I don’t get it.” READ MORE...

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