Friday, March 26, 2010

Scott Brown: President's Rhetoric 'Inappropriate'

Republicans are not backing down in the face of Democrats' landmark health care victory this week. Instead, the moment has energized some members of the party, giving them a cause to rally around.

Massachusetts Republican defends his decision to vote across party lines.Sen. Scott Brown, R-Mass., who took office as the 41st vote against health care reform in the Senate, said today it's time to "collectively fix this bill" and that he's prepared to lead the charge to do just that.

"We're all in favor of the catastrophic care coverage and coverage for children," Brown told "Good Morning America." "But what about the backroom deals? What about all the bad things?"

Brown's victory in November to claim the late Ten Kennedy's Senate seat was seen by many Republicans as an indication of popular opposition to Democrats' health care reform effort and a call for more focus on the economy and jobs.

Brown says Democrats still haven't gotten the message, taking a shot at President Obama's emphasis on health care. READ MORE...

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