Friday, April 9, 2010

FUNNY AND STUPID: Rock: Obamacare Opponents Like Those Who Hated MLK

It's sad that Chris Rock who is obviously black, doesn't know much about Martin Luther King. Rock has been a huge mouthpiece for President Obama, who has been nothing but a damaging figure, a failure as President and a typical corrupt politician with a long line of broken promises and lies. Martin Luther King was NOT a socialist-Marxist figure like Castro, Chavez, Hitler and Mao. Rock should learn some black history..and get it through his thick head that opponents are not against access to affordable healthcare, they're against the 2700 page 'disastercare' bill that was signed.

Chris Rock should go back to Alpine N.J, the 98% white Republican town he lives in, and educate himself on the issues involving health care and the skyrocketing black unemployment rate under Obama, not Bush. He should also ask himself why he sides with mostly white liberal policies that have destroyed black communities in every city in America for decades, while King supported conservatism.

What a sell-out..another 'rubber brother' and hypocrite..but he's a funny one...

1 comment:

  1. "Martin Luther King was NOT a socialist-Marxist figure like Castro, Chavez, Hitler and Mao."

    But that didn't stop people from calling him a communist. A 5-minute Google search reveals that. Funny how things never change, or not so funny. Communist is the first name ignorant, thick headed, fools who don't even know what communism is, fall back on.
