Thursday, April 1, 2010

RACIST MEDIA? White Tea Party 'Racists' Support Black Candidates And Protest White Liberals: How's That Racism?

I am far from white and I have been to 12 tea parties. I have met some of the nicest people you could ever meet. I had some drinks with black, latino and white members of the tea party as we talked about politics, big government, corruption, debt, taxes and out of control spending. We talk about which politicians are dangerous, corrupt, incompetent, reckless, and bad for America. The politicians they were talking about were mostly white, which was no surprise to me. We also talked about what candidates we support for Congress and Senate in the November elections.

During this time, I sure didn't hear the 'N' word from anyone and I didn't get spit on. I didn't even get any dirty looks, in fact, the people were just so damn polite!

The tea partiers are supporting people like Michael Williams for Senate. Williams is black. The tea partiers also like William Hurd, who is also black and running for congress in Texas's 23rd district. I met a police officer from Florida who is supporting Alan West for congress; West is black.

These so-called 'racists' are also supporting Angela McGlowan in Mississippi’s 1st District. You got it, Angela is black..

If these people are racist, they must really hate a lot of white people!

Most WHITE people were protesting mostly white Democrats Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Joe Biden, Barney Frank, Chris Dodd, Robert Gibbs, David Axelrod, Dick Durbin, Louis Slaughter, John Kerry, Chuck Schumer, Henry Waxman, Barack Obama and even WHITE Republicans Lindsey Graham, Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins. They were protesting the mainstream media and they sure didn't show any love to Keith Olbermann, Rachael Maddow, Chris Matthews, Robert Gibbs and Contessa Brewer. There was more, but if you're NOT a liberal, you're getting the point....

'Okay liberals, give up?'

That's a lot of white folks in the tea parties protesting a lot of white folks!

That's like 19.5 white people out of 20. How the hell is that racism? (Obama 50%)

Go to any tea party and you will not see 'racism,' you will see nice, patriotic, informed American HERO's standing up to a mostly white group of corrupt politicians and despicable tyrants who are robbing YOU blind. Some people are just too stupid to realize it and will one day thank the tea party for real 'hope and change.'

As for a lack of minorities at tea parties, they do attend, just not in really large numbers, SO WHAT? Since when do liberals have the right to dictate the racial makeup of a movement or a protest? We don't see them telling the NAACP and LaRaza that they're racist because there's not more 'white people' in their organizations. What a bunch of racist cowards..

The tea parties are not about race and it's not their responsibility to go out and recruit people of color to come to a tea party. Would the democrats like if conservatives used ACORN to encourage blacks to attend tea parties and registered them to vote republican? Of course not, and at least the people in the tea party movement are still ALIVE. (ACORN likes to register dead people to vote democrat)

If more blacks don't want to attend the tea party then so be it, that's their right. The tea partiers see no color and it's not about color, it's about the American people being fed up with out of control spending, big government and corrupt politicians. These same liberal media outlets that make false allegations of racism are racists themselves and their networks are all white. Again, more liberal hypocrisy. (Video Below)

I'm surprised MORE blacks don't attend tea parties to protest the mostly WHITE elitist progressive liberals who tax them to death, put their children in massive debt and create high unemployment in the black community. They create policies that destroy their families, schools, neighborhoods and they encourage aborting millions of black babies because white liberals see them as a burden in the future: that's not racism? Look at the black incarceration, teen pregnancy, unemployment and graduation RATES in DEMOCRAT controlled cities ALL across America. Why is so high?

I don't see the tea party movement encouraging ANY of those failed liberal policies...

The people who don't want to attend tea parties can ignore them and tolerate this tyrannical government destroying America if they want, OR they can get up off their ass, turn off 'Dancing With The Stars' and do something about it. Attend a tea party, get involved and VOTE for constitutional fiscal conservatives. Vote these corrupt, arrogant, elitist crooks out of office.

Leave the violence and racism for the left-wingers since they're so good at it..


  1. They can try all they want, that shit isn't going to work. The reason I joined a tea party was because I heard them blasting them and calling them names on MSNBC when I was at a lounge having drinks. I couldn't believe the lies they were telling and thought, wow, these white rich democrats hate these white people protessting corruption and spending: why? I was so furious, my black ass joined a tea party and now I'm working on my koolaid drinking friends. We will win. Keep insulting them ...

  2. it's time for some 'black tea'
