Wednesday, May 12, 2010

WATCH: Teacher Fired for Beating Student

HOUSTON - It's a story you saw First on FOX: A charter school has fired one of its teachers -- accused of beating up a student on video.

A classmate captured the entire incident on their cell phone.

The teacher in question, identified by school officials as Sherri Davis, was officially terminated on Monday night.

“Now that officials at Jamie’s House Charter School have been able to review the video on Fox News, we are horrified at the actions of the teacher,” principal David Jones said in a statement.

The video, shared with FOX 26 News by a parent, shows a sixth grade student being kicked and pummeled. The student's parent says the video is now in the hands of Harris County Sheriff's investigators. READ MORE...


  1. Are we sure it wasn't just a demonstration or something? It doesn't even look like she's landing any punches or kicks. Just my two cents.

  2. Are we sure this isn't just some sort of demonstration? It doesn't look like any of the kicks or punches are landing. Just a thought.

  3. it's not Obama's fault directly, but liberals in general. She was probably an affirmative action hire. She probably is protected by a union. SHe is probably playing the race and gender card, because libbs allow that to protect even the guilty. She came from a single mother and probably is one.'s all coming back to libbs. I highly doubt she is a church going conservative with those values. nigga please.

  4. I agree with Taggart -- looks fishy to me, not at all real.
