Monday, June 28, 2010

The Latest Ad From Alabama: Slavery. Also- Why Liberals Hate Beck...

Pretty good ad. Most libtards will look at this video and call Rick a stupid redneck, a white racist or some other typical name in the liberal 'when I can't win an argument' manual. But they will not dispute the message itself. Abe was right...

At the end of this video there's a short clip of Glenn Beck, another target for liberals. Why do they attack Glenn Beck? There's a few reasons...

1. He's right. Just watch his show and factcheck him.

2. Glenn Beck exposes the radicals in the democratic party and threatens the radical progressive agenda.

3. He's goofy and fat. Imagine that, liberals making fun of fat people just because they disagree with them.

4. His ratings. They're through the roof and he's crushing all competition. This makes giant progressive lesbians with philosophy degrees really jealous. Glenn is honest and has credibility. When that happens, smart people watch your show. (See Ed Schultz and Chris Matthews ratings for evidence of that)

5. His red phone NEVER rings. Have you EVER seen a guy set up a direct phone line for the Obama administration, give the number to the White House with a message to call the show IF he's wrong about anything he's saying on his show? We haven't, and the White House NEVER calls...

6. Beck has intelligent informed black people on his show who don't drink the kool-aid while other networks use Al Sharpton and a few other known liberal 'rubber brothers.' Beck also exposes the white liberals who leave out important U.S history when indoctrinating our young black kids by leaving out important information like the black founding fathers, famous black conservatives and the true story on the civil rights movement. Oh they hate that!

7. Finally, he's not a libtard... He and his staff do great research, investigative journalism and Beck backs his statements up most of the time with video etc..

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