Thursday, June 24, 2010

LIBERAL IDIOTS: What Could Go Wrong? Condoms for Kiddies at Elementery School in Gay Town. Also, School Teaches Kids Religion Is a 'Disease'

Condoms for kiddies: Because “sexual experimentation is not limited to an age”

Students in Provincetown – from elementary to high school – will be able to get free condoms at school, under a policy passed earlier this month, even though their parents might object.

“We know that sexual experimentation is not limited to an age, so how does one put an age on it?” said Superintendent Beth Singer, who wrote the policy unanimously passed two weeks ago by the Cape Cod town’s School Committee.

“It’s about availability; we’re not handing ‘em out like M&M’s,” said committee chairman Peter Grosso.

The policy, which requires school nurses to supply condoms to any student who asks, was met with criticism by some parents, particularly over the possibility of preschoolers acquiring condoms. But Singer insists that if an especially young child requests a condom, the nurse will ask the student’s motive and act accordingly.

“It’s about availability; we’re not handing ‘em out like M&M’s,” said committee chairman Peter Grosso.

The policy, which requires school nurses to supply condoms to any student who asks, was met with criticism by some parents, particularly over the possibility of preschoolers acquiring condoms. But Singer insists that if an especially young child requests a condom, the nurse will ask the student’s motive and act accordingly.

Well NAMBLA (North American Man-Boy Love Association) is going to LOVE this! All they have to do is cruise by the schools and look for cute little boys to play with. They don't even have to pick up condoms, the boys will already have them. Liberals are sick individuals..

Manipulating kids for the shove of God

Remember when Obama's 'safe schools' czar (don't laugh) approved 'fisting kits?' You think condoms to 1st graders are bad? Click here...


  1. I couldn't say it any better. It's official, we are being flushed.

  2. If you go onto the Cape Cod Times website today, you will see a picture of a gay man's naked butt riding a bike in the SF gay pride parade. THIS after the perverted decison made by the outrageous and irrational Provincetown school board to give out condoms to 1st graders. The article states that hundreds of thousands of people attended the parade in SF, while mentioning of course how the gay community wants equal rights and stil must fight for them. All I have to say is that people who walk around naked in a parade and on the street are mentally ill and exposing one's self is not a gay right. There are other groups of people in this country that protest for different causes and they do it clothed. Just the fact that the gay community needs and wants to walk around undressed and have sex on the street as they did in The Up Your Alley Parade last July, and they think it is fine that 6 year olds even look at a condom, proves that the lunatics are running the asylum in this country and we need to take control back. We have to get all gay people OUT of the government asap, before they reach their ultimate goal-making pedophila legal as gay activists in Mass have been trying to do. I worry greatly for the children and future children of this country. We must stop gay adoption to and no foster children should be around the gay community the way they act. All of this insanity just brings tears to my eyes.
