Saturday, June 12, 2010

LOVE THIS WOMAN! Arizona governor to illegals: If your child is a U.S. citizen, take him back home with you...

If just some of the sissy men we have in congress had half the spine of a Jan Brewer or a Michele Bachmann, we could actually fix this country.

The excuse of not deporting illegals because it might 'split up' families is total bullshit. Like Brewer says, take them home with you then.

As for these idiot liberals who are against the Arizona law, what do they NOT understand about the word 'ILLEGAL?'


  1. republican politicians had better take a lesson from this woman... she is RIGHT!!!! America is worth SAVING.. it is NOT a 5 star all inclusive resort for ILLEGALS!

  2. Go girl!! As a legal, tax paying, patriotic citizen of this country, I say more power to you!! Everyone who thinks this is wrong, pack your bags and head south, see if you can make a difference there, get going! And do those us who pay our taxes, serve our country and believe our constiutuion is just fine a favor, don't bother leaving a forwarding address and take your president and his cabinet staff with you!!

  3. Jan Brewer can beocme the liberals worst nightmare.
