Friday, July 2, 2010

NIT-WITT: MSNBC 'Airhead' Witt: I Got 'Chills' Listening To Obama's Immigration Speech (A Speech Full Of Lies)

Obama, MSNBC is the network of thrills and chills . . .

Chris Matthews famously felt a thrill going up his leg listening to an Obama speech. Now, MSNBC anchor Alex Witt has been similarly moved by Obamian oratory, declaring this morning "I got a few chills" listening to PBO's "very powerful" speech on immigration.

Witt described her sensations to MSNBC DC bureau chief Mark Whitaker.
ALEX WITT: You know, Mark, I gotta say I got a few chills listening to him there. It was very powerful. But it was also pretty heavy on detail and direction.


Assimilation and the Founding Fathers

In his immigration speech on Thursday, President Obama heralded America as a “nation of immigrants” defined not by blood or birth, but by “fidelity to the shared values that we all hold so dear.” If only it were so. Left-wing academics and activists spurned assimilation as a common goal long ago. Their fidelity lies with bilingualism (a euphemism for native language maintenance over English-first instruction), identity politics, ethnic militancy and a borderless continent READ MORE...

1 comment:

  1. i agree with you anonymous.

    i really did used to think you people were crazy, but after simple research, most of it extensive to make sure i get the truth, i know he is doing this.

    i know he's a Muslim.

    I know his real birth certificate would shock us.

    I know his college records would shock us. He's hiding something.

    He's dangerous but these dumb ass liberals keep falling for his charisma. it's crazy.

    world net daily has the best evidence against obama hiding his past.if you investigate on your own past wnd- you will find that their excellent investigative journalism is dead on and our liberal media is ignoring it.
