Saturday, July 24, 2010

UN-AMERICAN: Look whose votes won't be counted.. Obama's Justice Department allegedly ignoring new laws designed to safeguard ballot accuracy

They all think alike. The mind of a progressive liberal...

In the wake of the Department of Justice's New Black Panther Party scandal, a second former DOJ attorney has now come forward, blasting the department for failing to protect American soldiers' right to vote.

What's even more alarming, the attorney claims, is that despite congressional mandates passed in 2009 to ensure military personnel overseas can participate in elections, the DOJ's Voting Section is ignoring the new laws and may allow thousands of ballots to slip through the cracks uncounted in November.

M. Eric Eversole is a former litigation attorney for the Voting Section of the U.S. Department of Justice and an advocate for military voters. In an opinion piece in The Washington Times, Eversole explains how soldiers in the field may be disenfranchised in the 2010 election.

"Absentee ballots must be sent to overseas military voters at least 45 days before an election to give those voters sufficient time to receive and return their ballots," Eversole explains. "The Military Postal Service Agency goes one step further and recommends that absentee ballots be sent to war zones 60 days before an election."

But legal complaints, news stories and studies all showed dozens of states failing to give soldiers enough time to vote in the 2008 election – resulting in tens of thousands of soldiers' mailed ballots that arrived too late to be counted, perhaps enough to swing, for example, Minnesota's closely contested election of Democrat Senator Al Franken. READ MORE...


  1. Soldiers lives and blood are shed so that our enemies (the present White House occupants) can play politics and slant elections----what I want to say and won't, because this site would explode from my anger-----so I will suppress my anger and say (whoever has their enemy at their mercy and does not destroy them is their own worst enemy.)

  2. Say it Russell G., most Americans feel the same way you do. The pot is boiling, America is becoming intensely agitated with anger towards the Marxist clown in the White House.

  3. Open your eyes, the rebellion is on-----the socioeconomic situation is being inverted to displace Capitalism and replace it with Marxism.

    It will prove to be an ineffective revolt, because the Marxist Turd in the White House has been exposed like an outbreak of measles, and a passive resistance to his unlawful authority is building to a concerted mutiny among the great body of the people---
