Greg Smith, 46 from New York, has supported Barack Obama since the now-president announced his bid for the White House in 2007. But three years later the diehard Obamaniac has a sober admission: he’s losing hope.
In 2007, the New York Post featured Smith’s story — he was a converted Clinton supporter that left his work as a hotel doorman to campaign for Obama. Obama read the story and asked Smith to introduce him at a campaign event and also tell his story. He did, began campaigning for Obama full-time, and even was present backstage during the Democratic National Convention speech in Denver.
Obama won the election. Life was great — hope and change were alive. But now, reality has set in, and Smith — back at his old job – wonders aloud to the Post what happened:
Two years later, I’m living a more sober reality.
My life is not better. I‘m a college graduate and I still can’t get a good job.
I’m back working as a doorman at a Manhattan hotel earning peanuts because my wife was diagnosed with breast cancer and I need the health insurance again.
I share the same sentiments of Velma Hart, the woman who confronted Obama at a town hall last week, saying she was tired of defending him. The idea of leaving New York is even on the table.
Obama has let professional politicians take over the White House — and our dream of change.
I know it’s childish to expect solutions to happen overnight. Obama inherited a big old mess, and I don’t expect him to have everything figured out after 18 months.
But we’re only human and we want to see some visible change.
I’m trying to keep up my hope — but I’m afraid that instead of being that guy who knocked on doors in Denver, I’m now the person who needs convincing.
NOTE- We will give Greg Smith the benefit of the doubt and call him a 'former' idiot. We have even placed him in our 'former idiot' section. He did support Hillary Clinton at one time, who would of been a major disaster for America if she had become president. Hillary is no different than Obama.
So hopefully Greg has learned that it's PROGRESSIVES who are ruining America, no matter what color they are or what party their in.
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