Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Palin goes nuclear on Murkowski: How dare you question Joe Miller’s honor?

What a snotty witch...

Not only does Lisa Murkowski question Joe Miller on how his West Point instructors and classmates would say he’s lived up to his military code of honor, but she goes on in the second half of the clip to deem him ‘not fit to lead’; only to hear as a reaction loud boos from the audience.

I have never seen a candidate stoop as low as was seen last night in Alaska’s senatorial debate…
The sitting Senator also came out against Arizona’s right to protect its borders. She calls for us to “enforce the laws that are currently on the books,” but doesn’t seem to understand that that is precisely what Arizona is trying to do to protect itself because the federal government refuses to enforce our laws. Perhaps we shouldn’t be surprised by her lackadaisical attitude to border security when we consider that she has repeatedly voted against funding a border fence and voted in favor of amnesty. READ MORE...

1 comment:

  1. amazing that the Murkowskis did not realize all these years that if they ran the STATE of Alaska, perhaps they as good commies could give it back to Russia that way rather than going along with Russia through the Iranians and Chinese like this administration is doing..
