Saturday, January 22, 2011

Globalization Destruction: Piven Gleefully ‘Hopes’ and Explains How Countries Like China Can Shut Down USA and Bring Revolutionary Transformation

Basic Globalization Revolution Theory:
Our computers, information technology, energy, even some food is all imported from authoritarian nations whose workers make less than dollars a day . Like the Romans who, at the end of their reign, had three slaves for every citizen, the United States, because of globalization, is completely dependant on slave labor. It would only take organized strikes (shut downs) from a small coalition of nations led for example by China to bring us to our knees.


  1. why isn't this seditionist in JAIL?

  2. So, she's a person with some radical ideas. Big deal. She's not first, she won't be the last. So Glenn Beck talked about her. He's a frightened man. A sissy.
