Sunday, January 23, 2011

LIE # 2,175: Tone Deaf: Obama’s SOTU Republican Meetings Broken Promise

The 'stuttering' con-artist in chief is at it again. Listen to Obama get some 'giggles' out of his weak, pathetic crowd of idiot supporters. Unreal...


  1. lmao- yea according to Huff Po or DailyKos? lol.

    gallup- today- Obama approval- 49%

    this is probabaly because #1 we have a republican congress and people are somewhat exited Pelosi is gone, but more importantly...

    Americans are really dumb people. going by Obamas approval rating is the same method to go by when polling how many Americans are really stupid. 40's os about right. about 45% of americans are really stupid people. it's just the way culture has become. blame MTV for most of it and liberals for the rest of it. it's why I became a conservative when i was 24. i grew up.

  2. If you open the link, you'll see it's Rasmussen Reports.

    "this is probabaly because #1 we have a republican congress and people are somewhat exited Pelosi is gone, but more importantly..."

    Maybe you could explain to me how you think that would affect Obama's numbers.

  3. POLL- PeopleWithBrains.Com...

    Obama Approval Rating- 0%

    BTW- This Rasmussen reports poll would have an Obama approval rating affected by several things.



    Naive People

    Misinformed People

    Biased Media that hasn't learned their lesson

    Likability of Obama

    Blacks still wanting something for nothing

    BDR (Bush Derangement Syndrome)

    ACORN was polled? LOL

    And Finally all kidding aside- people are not a little at ease with a balance of power. While independents don't like ONE PARTY RULE. So they're maybe a little more at ease that Obama has toned his rhetoric and is now lying to sound like a centrist. (SEE Naive, Idiots)

    Plus, next to black voters and white women voters, independents are the dumbest. They don't know what they stand for.

