Monday, February 28, 2011

Infamous UK Cleric Plans Thursday Sharia Rally in D.C.: ‘Rise to Implement the Shari’ah in America’

This coming Fourth of July, Muslims are planning a “Million Muslim March” in D.C. to “re-establish the feelings of brother and sisterhood among Muslim Americans“ and start the ”healing” process after 9/11. And while there is no indication that rally will dabble in Sharia law, a different D.C. march scheduled for Thursday boldly declares its goal of bringing Sharia law “directly to the doorsteps of the United States of America.”

The rally is being spearheaded by radical UK Muslim cleric Anjem Choudary, who recently told Sean Hannity Americans are “the biggest criminals in the world today,“ and in October announced ”the flag of Islam will one day fly over the White House.” His group, Islam4UK, has been outlawed in Britain. READ MORE...

1 comment:

  1. The repugnant imam should be greeted with a smile and given a forum and First Amendment protection in a land of free people. This country wins every time that's done.
