Thursday, January 27, 2011

‘WTF?‘ Why Does Palin Keep Saying ’WTF‘ About Obama’s WTF Speech?

It’s a term usually reserved for young people who want to swear without swearing. But on Wednesday night, Sarah Palin tried to cleverly introduce a new group of people to a slang acronym that starts with “what,“ crams in a ”the,“ and ends in ”fu**.” But the confusing word play she employed may have done more harm than good.

Speaking with Fox’s Greta Van Susteren, Palin opened her criticism of President Obama’s SOTU speech with a pun. Some have come to dub the president’s remarks the “WTF” speech — short for “winning the future,” a term used in the speech. That obviously worked its way back to Palin, who couldn’t resist swapping the shorthand out for the much more “popular” three-letter acronym.

VAN SUSTEREN: I’m very well, but there are a lot of Americans aren’t. They need jobs. What are we going to do about jobs? Do you have an idea that‘s any way different from what the president said last night because we’re looking for all options? READ MORE...

But she wasn't done...


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