Thursday, July 21, 2011

MAHER AND THE PILLOW-BITER: Santorum Hits Back At Radical Homo Dan Savage, Who Wants to 'Fu**' Him....(Ewww, Gross!)

Rick Santorum appeared yesterday on Steve Malzberg’s radio show to respond to Dan Savage’s disgusting comments last week on Bill Maher’s HBO show “Real Time”. In case you missed those comments, I have posted the clip below for your, um, edification. To paraphrase: Savage said he wouldn’t mind having forceful gay sex on Santorum, just to set him straight on his politics. Or something.

Make no mistake about it, Savage is one sick little creep.

Needless to say, Santorum was fired up and really hit back hard at Savage and the rest of Bill Maher’s vulgar panel. They all got a hearty laugh out of Savage’s filthy rant – I don’t think Maher had a single conservative on the panel (would’ve been a nice time to have Andrew Breitbart booked). Santorum also laid into the media for routinely letting liberals get away with this kind of garbage, and worse than that, applauding people like Savage because they happen to be bashing conservatives, which fits their ideological agenda.

All in all, this is Santorum at his best – unapologetically defending conservatism and traditional family values. Great job!

Here's the comments from Savage below...

NOTE- The fact that Savage thinks 'Obamacare' is quality healthcare and doesn't cost as much shows how delusional he is. And if he wants taxpayers to pay for his future HIV medication, he might want to reconsider cheering for 'Obamacare' and either stop having unprotected gay sex (placing his manhood where another man has a bowel movement) or securing a policy now through a private insurance company. (We're hoping he chooses government care for obvious reasons)

And it's not 'abuse' if a man wants to pray his gayness away; it's called 'choice.' This Savage guy is a real d*ckhead...

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