Sunday, January 10, 2010

IndoctriNATION: Keep Voting DEMOCRAT, This Is What You Get. Progressives Are Brianwashing Our Youth And It Has To STOP NOW..

The IndoctriNATION

The IndoctriNATION 2: Children of the ACORN

The IndoctriNATION 3: The Homosexual Agenda

Indoctrination takes a turn for the worse. All that is necessary for evil to triump is that good men do nothing. If not us, who? If not now, when?


  1. And the SHEEP, don't even know that they are being forcibley brainwashed, inducing them to give up basic political, social, or religious beliefs and attitude's to accept contrasting regimented ideas---persuasion by propaganda---what better salesman then our commander and Hoax in the White house.

    Paulie from Vegas----you never did answer me---do you gamble at the casino's---if everything breaks right for me I could be visiting Vegas in Oct., and maybe we can meet up for a drink or three----

  2. Paulie From Las Vegas:Tue Jan 12, 05:42:00 AM PST

    Russell G.: I never answered you because I wanted to see how interested you were. I don't gamble...but I do INVEST...mainly in baseball. It's the only sport besides horseracing and boxing that gives you odds. Before you come in, let me know where you're staying and we'll hook up for a discussion and that drink or three.
