Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Obama adviser: Amnesty to ensure 'progressive' rule. 'Imagine 8 million new voters who care about our issues?'

Granting citizenship to millions of illegal immigrants would expand the "progressive" electorate and help ensure a "progressive" governing coalition for the long term, declared a recent adviser to President Obama whose union group is among the most frequent visitors to the White House.

"We reform the immigration laws, it puts 12 million people on the path to citizenship and eventually voters," stated Eliseo Medina, international executive vice-president of Service Employees International Union, or SEIU.

Medina was speaking at a June 2009 Washington conference for the liberal America's Future Now!

Medina said that during the presidential election in November 2008, Latinos and immigrants "voted overwhelmingly for progressive candidates. Barack Obama got two out of every three voters that showed up."

"Can you imagine if we have, even the same ratio, two out of three? Can you imagine 8 million new voters who care about our issues and will be voting? We will be creating a governing coalition for the long term, not just for an election cycle."

See video of Medina's remarks:

The SEIU is closely linked to the controversial Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, or ACORN. SEIU President Andrew Stern was the most frequently logged White House visitor, according to an official list released in October. READ MORE...

Another example of why we call them 'idiots.'

1 comment:

  1. The SEIU spent big $$$ trying to defeat Scott Brown in the MA election 2 weeks ago. I guess MA has too few illegal immigrants for them to have succeeded.
