Sunday, March 14, 2010

Comradess Barbara Lee: How in the world is this democrat and communist party member a U.S. congresswoman? How do these people get elected?

Democrat Barbara Lee. What an idiot. Why do we have communist party members in the democratic party and our U.S. congress?


“One wishes Ms. Lee were just a clueless liberal, but her history leads me to conclude that she is the kind of ‘San Francisco Democrat’ that former United Nations Ambassador Jeane Kirkpatrick criticized in 1984: someone who ‘always blames America first’.”–John Fund, WSJ, 09/17/01.
Mark Hemingway’s April 17 NRO article Comrade Barbara, about Rep. Barbara Lee (D-Calif.)’s new book, Renegade for Peace & Justice, set off RBO’s “Red” alarm.

In his observations from the book, Hemingway makes mention of Lee’s numerous visits to Cuba and her “fondness for Castro”. He writes:

Lee’s fondness for the brutal dictator probably stems from the fact that he helped her good friend, Black Panther leader Huey Newton. Accused of killing an underage prostitute, assault, and tax evasion, Newton went to Cuba for three years in the mid-1970s rather than stand trial.
Although that may be true, Lee’s “fondness” for Cuba was exhibited in more recent events. J. Michael Waller wrote April 7 at READ MORE...

Lee, Cuba and the Black Panthers

While attending Mills College in Oakland, California during the early 1970s, Lee worked as a volunteer for the local chapter of the Black Panther Party’s Community Learning Center. She also worked on the 1973 Oakland mayoral campaign of Panther co-founder Bobby Seale (right), and she served as a confidential aide to the Panthers’ “Minister of Defense,” Huey Newton (ABOVE).

Obama has been supported by three of the US’s main Marxist organisations–the Communist Party USA, the Democratic Socialists of America and the Committees of Correspondence for Democracy and Socialism.

As Barbara Lee has been closely associated with all three, her ringing endorsement of Obama comes as no surprise.

Lee was briefly a member of the CoC national co-ordinating committee, alongside her long time friend, former Communist Party vice-Presidential candidate, Angela Davis.

In recent years many CoC members have drifted back to the Communist Party’s orbit, including Barbara Lee.

As recently as December 2006, Lee appeared at Communist Party post Congressional election function in Northern California.

Trevor had this to say about Barbara Lee two years earlier, in November 2006:

Educated at Berkeley, Lee moved in radical circles and was close friends with Black Panther founder and “Minister of Defence”, Huey Newton and with well known Communist Party radical, Angela Davis. Barbara Lee is good friends with Angela Davis who til this day SHOULD be rotting in prison for murder. Instead, she was acquitted and she's a college professor and hero to the left. Why is a sitting U.S congresswoman friends with an avowed communist radical like Angela Davis? READ MORE ON THIS DANGEROUS CONGRESSWOMAN BARBARA LEE...CLICK HERE...

Angela Davis is Sought in Shooting That Killed Judge on Coast



  1. watch her friend angela davis on youtube. she makes you want to punch her lights out. i cant believe she got away with murder. she was involved, and i dont care who aquitted her. that judge was murdered and she went on the run OJ style. i guess running like oj and davis is a good way to admit your guilt and get aquitted. i couldnt believe she was a professor!

    Barbara Lee is an idiot. No wonder california is bankrupt, because of people like her and her other guilt ridden cracker friends Nancy Pelosi and Barbara Boxer.

  2. MUST WATCH Barbara Lee Video:
