Wednesday, April 28, 2010
CNBC: Obama’s a bully. Update- VIDEO- How Obama steals elections 'Chicago' style. (He didn't mention this during the campaign, did he?)
How Obama became a Senator using dirty tactics. In 1996 Obama and a team of lawyers eliminated all his rivals from the ballot including incumbent Alice Palmer - allowing him to run unopposed.
Obama filed objections to all four of his Democratic rivals. He was the first one to ever do so.
Dirty tactics is what Obama is all about - race baiting, organized caucus intimidation, and lies about everything from Nafta to what he knows about his own church and his own close friends.
Will someone please rein in our relentlessly hectoring President? Barrack Hussein Obama has taken his gift for inspirational oratory—one of the traits that got him elected—and turned it into something darker and more insidious.
Bam is a bully. Bad enough that he bashes Wall Street, but this President has gone farther than any in modern history in putting the wrong kind of “bully” back into what Teddy Roosevelt had called the bully pulpit.
Obama’s latest broadside came over the weekend, when he vehemently criticized the state of Arizona and its (Republican) governor for passing a tough new law on illegal immigration.
The President called the measure “misguided” and all but labeled it un-American. He even ordered the Department of Justice, before the ink on this bill-signing has even dried, to examine the civil-rights “implications” of the new law. Seems like the courts and rights groups could handle that once any problem actually emerges.
Can you remember any other modern President, wagging a finger from on high, so directly and bitterly criticizing a new law passed by any state?
This is hubris at best and ignorance of the Constitution at worst. The U.S. was founded in part on the precept of states’ rights as an important counterweight to a rapacious federal government. Thus a President must step softly here, questioning gently but avoiding rancor and browbeating. READ MORE...
CNBC: Obama’s a bully
Chicago Way,
Dictator Obama,
Obama's Arrogance
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