Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Dermatologist in Arizona warns that he’ll be elsewhere if ObamaCare comes fully into law

Last month, a urologist in Florida told patients that he’d prefer ObamaCare supporters go elsewhere for treatment. Today, a dermatologist in Arizona warns that he’ll be elsewhere if ObamaCare comes fully into law. Joseph Scherzer says the penalties for dealing with Medicare patients, along with more top-down government control of health care, will drive him to close his doors:

While it may be years before most Americans feel the impact of President Obama’s health-care bill, a few patients in Scottsdale, Ariz., got a small taste of life under Obamacare last week when they arrived at their Dermatologist’s office only to see a sign with the following taped to the front door:

“If you voted for Obamacare, be aware these doors will close before it goes into effect.” The note is signed Joseph M. Scherzer M.D. and includes the following addendum: “****Unless Congress or the Courts repeal the BILL.” READ MORE...

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