Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Reid Doubles Down on Hispanic Comment...UPDATE- Marco Rubio Responds..

We don't understand why anyone would be a democrat...

Harry Reid’s campaign is not shying away from the Senate majority leader’s questioning of why “anyone with Hispanic heritage could be a Republican,” instead using it to attack GOP Senate nominee Sharron Angle's relationships with the Hispanic community.

Reid made the comment Tuesday after being asked a question about immigration at a campaign stop with Hispanic supporters.

"I don't know how anyone of Hispanic heritage could be a Republican, OK?" Reid said. "Do I need to say more?"

Angle's campaign seized on the comment, telling POLITICO in an e-mail that “Harry Reid cannot give any good reasons why people should vote for him, so now he is turning to race and ethnicity.”

“Reid is desperate to change the subject from the economy, which he knows is a losing issue for him,” said Angle spokesman Jarrod Agen.

But in a statement Wednesday morning, the Reid campaign doubled down on the line. READ MORE...

UPDATE- Republican Marco Rubio Blasts The Racist Harry Reid.

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