Show and tell...
A nice comment on this video over at The Blaze.
missmarie- The federal government needs to back away from our children and our schools. Period. We the people need to advocate that control over curriculum and extra-curricular activities returns to the local level. We spend our time and energy focused on this issue or that issue, which pits one group against the other, and that is exactly what they hope the little people busy themselves with so the big picture is not revealed. The more urgent and pressing issue is why we continue to fund the Department of Education. This agency has done nothing to improve the educational opportunities for our children and rather than elevating the school system to the higher standards, has, in reality, lowered the standards in all so that mediocrity is the new normal. It is yet another government landfill that is gobbling up our tax dollars and giving us nothing in return. We also need to get rid of all the Czars, this one is particularly offensive and has just moved up the list on my letter writing campaign.
As for this topic – I will educate my children on appropriate sexual behaviors and tolerance for those with different views. Thank you very much.
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