Tuesday, May 10, 2011

VIDEO: Left-wing loons confront Condoleeza Rice at Stanford Law School. (How Come This Doesn't Qualify as Racism?)

If Condoleeza Rice is a war criminal, than so is our current President Barack Hussein Obama.

We know the Asian girl and the creepy white liberal guy didn't yell at Rice because she was black, and this wasn't racism, BUT if Rice was a democrat, and the protesters were right-wingers, MSNBC would be calling this racism. Which is why no one watches MSNBC; We're just saying....

If Condoleeza Rice really told these loons to "go to hell," GOOD FOR HER! These code pink wackos are the scum of the earth and the biggest hypocrites in the protest business.


  1. Wow, a codepink.org advert on your video...

    Who's picking what adverts show here?

  2. Ah, the video was a codepink piece of junk...

    That explains it.
